...and that ye be renewed in the spirit of your mind (Ephesians 4:23).

An online interactive spiritual publication for the strengthening and building up of the Kingdom.

About RIS

Welcome to Renewed in Spirit!

Perhaps you are new to Renewed in Spirit, or perhaps you're just curious about the nature and purpose of Renewed in Spirit.  We would like to thank you for your interest, and hope that we can be of service to you in your walk with God.

What is Renewed in Spirit?

The tag line for Renewed in Spirit is "an online interactive spiritual publication for the strengthening and building up of the Kingdom."  The inspiration for the name and purpose of Renewed in Spirit comes from Ephesians 4:20-24:

But ye did not so learn Christ; if so be that ye heard him, and were taught in him, even as truth is in Jesus: that ye put away, as concerning your former manner of life, the old man, that waxeth corrupt after the lusts of deceit; and that ye be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man, that after God hath been created in righteousness and holiness of truth.

To this end, Renewed in Spirit is intended for you.  We will feature articles, both from our archives and newly written, for your encouragement and edification.  We encourage you to contribute to the discussions on the articles.  Maybe you have some insights that will benefit us!

We know that there are many excellent spiritual resources out there.  In our experience, most of them focus on the basic and fundamental aspects of the Christian religion.  There is nothing wrong with this-- we certainly need places where people can go and learn about the fundamentals of the faith, and there are times when we all benefit from refreshing our understanding of those fundamentals (cf. 2 Peter 3:1-2).

Nevertheless, we feel that there is value in having a venue for more mature religious material and discussions-- a place where Christians are able to participate in some matters of "spiritual meat" (cf. Hebrews 5:14).  We hope and pray that Renewed in Spirit will be such a venue.

Who runs Renewed in Spirit?

The present editor of Renewed in Spirit is Ethan R. Longhenry.  He serves as the evangelist for the church of Christ in Norwalk, Ohio.  More can be learned about him and the other authors participating in Renewed in Spirit on the author profile page.

In general, Renewed in Spirit features material from Christians who are members of local congregations of churches of Christ who do not use instruments in their assemblies and who would be classified as "non-institutional."  

The History of Renewed in Spirit

RIS 1.0
Renewed in Spirit was originally a project begun by Jason Hardin and T. Sean Sullivan in 2003, intended as an online publication with many different types of articles that would encourage and renew the spirit.  For various reasons, the publication ceased for some time. 

RIS 2.0
Renewed in Spirit was restarted in September 2006 with Ethan Longhenry, Nathan Ward, and Brent Moody as main editors, Sarah Longhenry as women's editor, and Nathan Quinn as teen editor.  The publication was intended to be an online interactive spiritual publication, featuring material relevant to everyone along with special sections for women and teenagers.  Publication was fairly consistent until early 2009.  In the middle of 2009, the Renewed in Spirit website was attacked by malware and was deeply infected with a Trojan horse virus.

RIS 3.0
In the middle of 2010, with Renewed in Spirit still infected with the virus, it was decided that it would be better to move to a platform where most of the technical aspects, handled ably by Matt DeVore for RIS 1.0 and 2.0, would no longer be a concern.  Therefore, RIS 3.0 is part of the Blogger system, and we shall see whether it will effectively meet the needs for the Renewed in Spirit project.

Thanks for your interest in Renewed in Spirit.  If you have any questions, please let us know!

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